Negotiating the Best Estate Agents Sale Fee
Thinking of selling your property?
Most people focus on the price that the property will sell for and the agent’s fee.
A critical factor that is often overlooked is the real estate agent’s selling strategy. This should achieve the best sale price within an acceptable timeframe. Choosing the cheapest agent is not the right move. The added value is based on the agents selling strategy.
After all it’s your money and equity that is at stake!!
Select a criteria that defines the required top service from an agent, together with their selling strategy, relative to their proposed sales fee.
Do not underestimate the negotiation phase of the sale process. Given the effort to sell the property this is often overlooked in selecting a suitable agent, with the appropriate negotiation skills to secure the best sale price possible. This is vital in today’s market.
Often emotion takes over and a realistic sale strategy is not considered.
If you are thinking of selling, then now is a great time to plan the sale. If you need help to select the best agent call

Intercommercial Property Group on 0418 129 299. This will save you time and money, and reduce risk in the process.